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Academic research centers at Duke Kunshan University will provide space and resources for students, faculty and practitioners to undertake research projects reaching beyond the boundaries of typical academic departments and outcomes.  Research centers will encourage interdisciplinary inquiry and engagement with findings intended to influence the current and future practice of business, medicine, health policy, and other fields.

Institute of Applied Physical Sciences and Engineering

The Institute of Applied Physical Sciences and Engineering (iAPSE) is the home of world-class interdisciplinary education and research. In today’s profoundly changing world, iAPSE aims to stimulate new research breakthroughs in applied science and engineering and promote social, economical and cultural development. iAPSE also endows our students with a strong technical foundation, providing them with opportunities to explore science, hone their abilities, and take responsibility.

Global Health Research Center

The Global Health Research Center, the first research center on the campus of Duke Kunshan University, was established in collabration with the Duke Global Health Institute to address health issues in China and the region. The Global Health Research Center has built a program closely tied to the health needs of the Chinese population and focus its research efforts in at least three areas: chronic disease; environmental health; and health policy and systems.

Environmental Research Center

The Environmental Research Center at Duke Kunshan University is an independent research institution that integrates research and educational programs on environmental science and policy. The research center facilitates research to address the pressing environmental challenges in China, to create synergies with the international Master of Environmental Policy (iMEP) program, and to build a flexible, interdisciplinary program supporting both social and natural science research.

Center for the Study of Contemporary China

The Center for the Study of Contemporary China is the institutional and intellectual home for focused scholarly engagement with contemporary China at Duke Kunshan University. The center seeks to advance world-class research and teaching on society, politics, and the economy of contemporary China at Duke Kunshan—and, in so doing, to contribute to the international reputation of a unique global liberal arts university.

Humanities Research Center

The Humanities Research Center (HRC) at Duke Kunshan University promotes research and creative expression in the arts and humanities, and encourages interdisciplinary efforts. Working in close partnership with Duke’s Franklin Humanities Institute, the HRC functions as a key research bridge between faculty and students at Duke and Duke Kunshan. In addition, the HRC facilitates co-curricular research training, treating the entire Duke Kunshan campus as a laboratory for humanities research.

Zu Chongzhi Center for Mathematics and Computational Sciences

The Zu Chongzhi Center for Mathematics and Computational Sciences was established in 2019 at Duke Kunshan University. Our vision is to become a world-renowned focal point of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in Mathematics and Computational Sciences. In a world where computational approaches to problem solving keep getting more powerful and their scope is increased, mathematics provides the solid foundation for them. The Center’s aim is to increase the impact of mathematics and computational sciences by increasing the synergies of these two fields with other disciplines, engaging in world-class research, pursuing applications of research results, addressing pressing societal needs, and bringing together top scientists and mathematicians to work together on problems of common interest.