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Faculty Learning Community

Led by faculty and CTL, Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a group of faculty who meet regularly to work together in an active and collaborative program on a pedagogical or curricular topic of interest. 
The overall goal is to reinforce the culture of the faculty learning community, where faculty are expected to explore ways of fostering student significant learning (Fink, 2003), engage with the pedagogical literature, and apply research-based teaching to DKU courses.  

2022 Program: Course Design

In response to the needs for course design and redesign, the theme of the 2022 program is Course Design Based on Your DKU Teaching Experiences, with student significant learning, flexibility, and inclusivity in mind.


Most undergraduate faculty have experienced the 3-month Learning Innovation Fellowship program and applied the backward design principles to course/syllabus development. Now, we invite faculty to reflect on their teaching experiences at DKU, revisit the course design principles and the techniques that promote active learning and inclusive teaching. 
Some courses were designed 3-4 years ago and may need adjustments to better align with the major learning objectives, while some new courses are under development to fill in gaps in the DKU curriculum. Whether you want to (re)design an entire course or components of course learning activities and assessments, this FLC program will provide a venue for faculty across disciplines to share, discuss, and learn. 
Program objectives
  • Form collegial bonds within the faculty learning community
  • Reflect on your teaching experiences at DKU
  • Design or refine your course syllabus following the course backwards design principles

2021 Program: Active Learning

In 2021-2022, the first iteration of the FLC program with the theme of Active Teaching involved a group of 9 faculty members across divisions & programs. This program has fulfilled its goal to explore active learning and inclusive techniques in classrooms, labs, or Friday field trips. 

2021 Program Members
Teaching Inquiry on Active Learning
Anastasia Tsigkou
An Active Laboratory Manual & A New Approach To Laboratory Teaching
Chuanhui Gu
A Diverse Assessment Framework of An Outdoor Ecology Field Trip
Jiang Long
COMPSCI 201 UG Student Teaching Partner Program
Kristin Hiller
How the strategies involve learners in active engagement with materials and ideas in the classroom?
Luyao Zhang
Assess Experiential Learning in Experimental Macroeconomics
Meifang Chen
How is our Global Health undergraduate program doing in the liberal arts and COVID-19 pandemic context?
Seth Henderson
Contract Grading
Stephanie Anderson
Commonplace Books and Annotation Pedagogy Research
Daisy Zhang-Negrerie
Building Frameworks of the Parameters of Students Asking Questions

Click here to access their reflections