CSCC People in the Media

一遍又一遍踏入河流 | 专访朱昉晟教授

(feat. Fangsheng Zhu, Assistant Professor of Sociology) 与101位教授的对话

May 15, 2024

“How to Innovate for a Better World” 

(feat. Luyao Zhang, Assistant Professor of Economics) TEDxDKU

February 24, 2024


(feat. Yuan Wang, Assistant Professor of International Relations) 学非所用AfricaLounge, Acast

January 22, 2024

“The Grand Experiment”

(feat. Fan Liang, Assistant Professor of Media) The Wire China

December 17, 2023

“Chains of Love and Exploitation: Fast Fashion and Migrant Entrepreneurship in Guangzhou”

(feat. Nellie Chu, Assistant Professor of Anthropology) The China Story Project

November 10, 2023

“The Grand Canal: China and Its Wondrous Waterway”

(feat. Andrew Field, Associate Professor of Chinese History) iSuzhou

October 14, 2023

“For Single Women in China, Owning a Home Is a New Form of Resistance”

(Quotes Mengqi Wang, Assistant Professor of Anthropology) The New York Times Online

August 18, 2023

“At Asian Weddings, Cash Is King”

(Quotes Mengqi Wang, Assistant Professor of Anthropology) The New York Times Online

August 12, 2023

“Clean Air at What Cost? A Conversation with Denise van der Kamp”

(feat. Coraline Goron, Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy) Made In China Journal

July 6, 2023

“What do we know about the punctuated equilibrium theory in China? A systematic review and research priorities” (中国的间断-均衡理论进展:一项系统性文献综述)

(feat. Annemieke van den Dool, Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy) WeChat Official Account: 公共管理共同体

June 14, 2023

“New study sheds light on patterns in government policymaking”

(feat. Annemieke van den Dool, Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy) Duke Kunshan University

June 2, 2023

“Project Glitter: virtual agent for autistic children” (Glitter星星计划:守护来自“星星”的孩子)

(feat. Xin Tong, Assistant Professor of Computation and Design) 中国科学报, 新浪财经

March 30, 2023

“Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes”

(feat. Pippa Morgan, Lecturer in Political Science) The Conversation

January 11, 2023

“Six Key Issues at Stake for Biodiversity COP15”

(feat. Coraline Goron, Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy) China Dialogue

December 2, 2022

“SIAT graduate receives Best Canadian HCI Dissertation Award”

(feat. Xin Tong, Assistant Professor of Computation and Design)  Simon Fraser University

July 18, 2022