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WDR 1007


Event details

Young Scholars Symposium 2024

Citizens and State: Decoding Public Support and Opposition in China and Beyond

Time: Tuesday June 25th, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm BJT

Venue: WDR 1007, Duke Kunshan University

Zoom: 363 486 0760


Domestic Institutions and Citizen Input

Rising China and Public Opinion Dynamics Propaganda and Information Flow

Urban Governance and Citizen Preference

About the Event: This symposium brings together young scholars studying social dynamics in contemporary China. We invite 11 outstanding speakers presenting their ongoing research on a broad spectrum of topics related to citizen-state relationship, including domestic institutions and citizen input, the implication of China’s rise, propaganda and information flow, and urban governance and citizen preference. Professor Melanie Manion will deliver the opening remarks, and seven discussants from Duke Kunshan University and other institutions will make professional comments.

This event is organized by the Citizens and Representation Cluster under the Center for the Study of Contemporary China.