CSCC Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award

The CSCC Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award is presented to a member of the faculty who demonstrates the exceptional standards of excellence in their research, scholarship, creative projects, and contributions to the field of contemporary China studies. The scholar receives USD 500 and a certificate attesting to this award at the CSCC annual conference.


  • All full-time DKU faculty members affiliated with the CSCC.
  • Faculty with at least two years of full-time service to DKU at the time of nomination.
  • The award is presented based on the scholarly activity of the faculty member while on the faculty of DKU. Scholarly work completed when the nominee was not on the DKU faculty is not formally considered.
  • Candidates not necessarily have to be those who have been previously funded by CSCC.
  • No individual may receive the award more than once within three years.

Nomination Process:

  • A formal letter of nomination may be submitted by an individual or a group of full-time DKU faculty members.
  • The letter should be submitted as a PDF, addressed to the CSCC Award Committee, and sent to Ms. Chi Zhang, the program coordinator of the CSCC.
  • The letter of nomination should include a narrative presenting a description of the nominee’s qualifications for consideration, the significance of his, her or their scholarship, and an explanation of its originality and impact in its field.
  • All nominees will be contacted and asked to submit supporting materials such as a Curriculum Vita and sample publications.

Important Dates for AY 23/24:

Nomination Letter Submission Deadline: September 22, 2023
Submission of supporting materials: October 6, 2023
Notification of Recipient: The name of the recipient will be announced via the CSCC email listserv prior to the Annual Conference.

Criteria for Selection:

The recipient is selected by the CSCC Award Committee consisting of faculty representatives from the research clusters and faculty members from Duke University. The recipient of the CSCC Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award will be selected based on the following five criteria:

  1. Research Excellence: The nominee must have demonstrated outstanding research and scholarship in the field of contemporary China studies, showcasing originality, innovation, and depth of contributions.
  2. Impact and Relevance: The committee will evaluate the nominee’s research for its significant impact on academia, policy, or society, and its relevance to contemporary China studies.
  3. Productivity and Consistency: The nominee’s consistent scholarly output and sustained contributions to the field over time will be considered.
  4. Contributions to the Field: The committee will look for evidence of the nominee’s active engagement in advancing contemporary China studies, including participation in conferences and collaborations with other researchers.
  5. Recognition and Awards: While not a primary factor, any prior recognition or awards the nominee has received for their research and scholarly work may also be considered.

The CSCC Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award celebrates the extraordinary scholarly achievements of our faculty members, inspiring a culture of research excellence and fostering a vibrant academic community dedicated to the advancement of contemporary China studies.