Date: September 28, Thursday, 2023, 9:00 – 10:00 AM BJT
Zoom ID: 913 2429 8936; Passcode: 0928
Speaker: Emerson Lee, End-of-Life Doula and Certified Dementia Practitioner
End-of-Life Support for People Living with Dementia discusses psycho-social-emotional considerations for people living with dementia who are nearing the end of life. It especially addresses limitations caused by dementia-phobia at the societal level and methods to equip individuals to maintain personhood and connection until the end of their lives. Research that incorporates the perspectives of people living with dementia will be included.
Emerson Lee is an end-of-life doula and Certified Dementia Practitioner from Seattle, WA who has a private practice as a dementia readiness coach and life enrichment specialist.
NACI – N Aging and Care Initiative
Nameless, Nest, and N. (population)
The NACI aspires to reshape the landscape of aging and care in China and strives to create a society that recognizes the inherent worth of every aging and dying individual, fostering an environment where care is a deeply cherished and respected value, providing a nurturing nest for all.