Time: 9-10:30am, May 9th, 2024
Zoom: 963 513 9127
Speaker: Dr. Yuanchong Wang
Moderator: Prof. Qian Zhu
The P-MCRL Talk Series is sponsored by (post)Modernity and China Lab (DKU-WHU Seeds Project).
The first official U.S.-China contact began in 1784 when the American ship Empress of China arrived in Guangzhou, initiating the “Old China Trade” era focused on importing tea and porcelain. This period also
saw a rise in the popularity of Chinese-inspired Chinoiserie art in America. However, illegal activities during this time led to legal disputes that significantly influenced the evolution of Sino-American relations under Western international law.
Dr. Yuanchong Wang is an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of Delaware and works on late imperial and modern China and East Asia. He is the author of Remaking the Chinese Empire: ManchuKorean Relations, 1616–1911 and Zhong Mei Xiangyu: Daguo waijiao yu Wanqing xingshuai, 1784–1911.