Faculty Development Events

Upcoming Events

Reappointment Orientation

June 11th, 2024

An online orientation will be provided by Prof Marucs Werner, Director of Faculty Development on June 11th, Tuesday. During this orientation, faculty members will be able to receive instructions regarding the preparation and compilation of dossiers.

New Faculty Orientation

August 7th, August 8th, August 15th, 2024

The New Faculty Orientation will consist of hybrid sessions on August 6th (Tuesday) – August 7th (Wednesday), and a half day session on August 15th (Thursday). It will cover a wide range of topics around curriculum, teaching, research, DKU resources, faculty benefits, and student experience etc., to help new faculty get a deeper understanding of DKU.

Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Sharing Session

To be announced soon

Faculty Development Events

New Faculty Orientation (Fall Semester & Spring Semester)

The New Faculty Orientation is held in Fall and Spring semester annually to welcome new faculty members, to give them an introduction about curriculum, teaching, research, DKU resources, faculty benefits, and student experience etc.

Reappointment Orientation

The reappointment orientation is held in Fall and Spring semester annually. It aims to provide instructions for dossier preparation regarding tenure and non-tenure-track faculty reappointment.

Tenure Experience Sharing Workshop

The Tenure Experience Sharing Workshop is co-organized with the Faculty Development Committee. We invite faculty members from across DKU’s academic units who have been tenured relatively recently and who will be sharing their personal experiences and valuable insights regarding the tenure process.

Faculty Annual Report Review Mini-Retreat

This event serves as a platform for all faculty annual report reviewers to engage in a discussion about the evaluation process and faculty feedback and share their best practices.

Women in Academic Retreat

This event is organized to raise awareness of issues concerning women in all areas of higher education, foster the thriving environment for women career development and leadership recognition, and promote holistic well-being of women at DKU.