National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) are calling for proposals for the National Key Research and Development Project.
You could visit the official website for more information via 国家科技管理信息系统公共服务平台. Please log in to your personal account to see the relevant project application guidelines. If you do not have an account yet, please contact the RSO, and we can help you create one.
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
Budget Total: each project has its own budgets, please log into your personal account to see interested project descriptions.
Priority Areas:
- Proactive Health and Technological Responses to Population Aging 主动健康和人口老龄化科技应对
- Technological Support for Social Governance and Smart Society社会治理与智慧社会科技支撑
Project Period: each project has its own requirements, please log into your personal account to see interested project descriptions.
- PI must have the title of professor/associate professor/principal researcher scientist (高级职称) or obtain a PhD degree.
- PI should be born after January 1st, 1964. The annual working time dedicated to the project should be no less than 6 months.
- PI shall be the proposer of the main research concept and the scientific personnel who leads the research projects.
- Experts involved in drafting the implementation plan of key projects or this year’s project guidelines are not allowed to apply for this project.
- PI can only apply for 1 project.
- The proposal needs to be nominated by Jiangsu Department of Science and Technology.
- For specific application requirements, please refer to each application guide. In cases with special provisions, those provisions shall apply.
Language: Chinese
Internal Deadline: 12:00 pm, Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
Budget Total: each project has its own budgets, please log into your personal account to see interested project descriptions.
Priority Areas:
- Basic Research on the Formation of Important Traits and Environmental Adaptability of Agricultural Organisms 农业生物重要性状形成与环境适应性基础研究
- Exploration and Innovative Utilization of Agricultural Biological Germplasm Resources农业生物种质资源挖掘与创新利用
- Technology Innovation Project for Yield Enhancement and Efficiency Improvement of Major Crops 主要作物丰产增效科技创新工程
- Technological Innovation for Enhancing Productivity of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions in the North and Red and Yellow Soil Areas in the South 北方干旱半干旱与南方红黄壤等中低产田能力提升科技创新
- Technological Innovation for the Protection and Utilization of Black Soil 黑土地保护与利用科技创新
- Breeding of New Breeds of Livestock and Poultry and Innovation of Modern Pasture Science and Technology 畜禽新品种培育与现代牧场科技创新
- Research and Development on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution, Heavy Metal Contamination Prevention, and Green Inputs 农业面源、重金属污染防控和绿色投入品研发
- Research, Development, and Demonstration of Integrated Technologies for Major Pest and Disease Control 重大病虫害防控综合技术研发与示范
- Research, Development, and Application of Key Technologies for Comprehensive Animal Disease Prevention and Control 动物疫病综合防控关键技术研发与应用
- Key Technologies for Factory-Scale Agriculture and Intelligent Agricultural Machinery and Equipment 工厂化农业关键技术与智能农机装备
- Technological Support for Food Manufacturing and Agricultural Product Logistics 食品制造与农产品物流科技支撑
- Research and Development of Key Technologies for Food Nutrition and Safety食品营养与安全关键技术研发
- Technological Innovation in Marine Agriculture and Freshwater Fisheries 海洋农业与淡水渔业科技创新
- Research, Development, and Integrated Application of Common Key Technologies for Rural Industries 乡村产业共性关键技术研发与集成应用
Project Period: each project has its own requirements, please log into your personal account to see interested project descriptions.
- PI must have the title of professor/associate professor/principal researcher scientist (高级职称) or obtain a PhD degree.
- PI should be born after January 1st, 1964. The annual working time dedicated to the project should be no less than 6 months.
- PI shall be the proposer of the main research concept and the scientific personnel who leads the research projects.
- Experts involved in drafting the implementation plan of key projects or this year’s project guidelines are not allowed to apply for this project.
- The proposal needs to be nominated by Jiangsu Department of Science and Technology.
- For specific application requirements, please refer to each application guide. In cases with special provisions, those provisions shall apply.
Quota Requirements:
- PI can only apply for 1 project.
- The total number of ongoing projects (or tasks) under the National Key Research and Development Program, National Science and Technology Major Projects, and key agricultural core technology breakthroughs that a project (or task) leader can be responsible for must not exceed 2.
- For specific quota requirements, please refer to each application guide. In cases with special provisions, those provisions shall apply.
Language: Chinese
Internal Deadline: 12:00 pm, Thursday, September 19th, 2024
If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity, please submit your proposals via MOST system by the internal deadline.