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About CTL

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) can help improve students’ learning by helping you with the implementation of teaching strategies and learning technology in your teaching practices. For example, we can consult on choosing the right and effective tools as well as active learning techniques to engage students in and outside of classrooms; offer tips on improving classroom discussions and team collaboration; and discuss various ways to assess your students’ learning


CTL’s mission is to promote Duke Kunshan University faculty excellence in teaching and learning. We foster communications, innovations and interdisciplinary collaborations among faculty, staff and teaching assistants.

We support openness — both in sharing what we know and what we do, and by helping faculty share their knowledge, teaching practices and passion with others.

We support our faculty as they challenge students to shape individual pathways and deepen their intellectual engagement over time, become rooted global citizens who make a difference both in professional and civic life.

What We Do

We help and consult you on:

1. Designing your courses
2. Adopting effective learning activities to inspire you and your students
3. Exploring flipped classroom 
4. Using inclusive teaching strategies to include everyone
5. Teaching and learning with technology
6. Implementing effective assessments in your teaching

Who We Are


Haiyan Zhou, Director

Jiaxin Wu_CTL

Jiaxin Wu, Assistant Director 

Hanbing Lin, Ph.D., Educational Consultant for Sciences 

Fan (Luisa) Li, Educational Technology Specialist 

Mengyu Ma, Learning Experience Designer

Zhiyi Chen, Intern

Student Partners*

Sebastián Portilla, 

Class of 2025

Tianyu Xu, 

Class of 2025

Xinyue Liu, 

Class of 2025

Muhammad (Ajlal) Ajlal

Class of 2026

* Learn more about the Student Partnership Program

Contact us

Office: Innovation Building 3018


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CTL’s mission is to promote Duke Kunshan University faculty excellence in teaching and learning. We foster communications, innovations and interdisciplinary collaborations among faculty, staff and teaching assistants. We support openness — both in sharing what we know and what we do, and by helping faculty share their knowledge, teaching practices and passion with others.
We support our faculty as they challenge students to shape individual pathways and deepen their intellectual engagement over time, become rooted global citizens who make a difference both in professional and civic life.

What We Do

We help and consult you on:

Adopt effective learning activities to inspire you and your students